Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Replace scrolls with electrons

When we lived in Colorado Springs, we attended a church where the pastor's weren't afraid of technology and embraced it in their ministry. Pastors Ted and Rob read scripture from their PDAs during sermons. That made for some humorous battery dying or scrolling-way-too-far past-the-required-verse incidents. Rob, our pastor at SATURDAYNIGHT church, also wrote a blog. To use fighter pilot verbage, New Life is at mil power when it came to technology. But if New Life was at mil power, then our new church is on afterburner. Partly it's because we're a multi-site church. Mostly, it's because Pastor Mark is an early acceptor. Oh, yes, he has a blog. He is also having all the sermons podcasted. I believe I heard over 10,000 people have starting listening to the podcasts since the New York Times did an article on NCC's podcasting (I can't imaging spending $299 on an iPod but that's another story...).

So, I say let's put away the parchment and paraphases (cause we all know Apostle Paul wouldn't use one anyway) and bring out the IE and iPod.


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