Saturday, November 12, 2005

Autumn Days

After a late start, the leaves have turned in Virginia and are filling up our yard. Yesterday, we started to rake the leaves. As I recall, the last time I remember seeing so many leaves on the lawn was the during the years of my childhood when I lived in New Jersey. Our house in Missouri did not have enough trees. Boston was too urban. We lived in an apartment complex in Dayton. Colorado Springs didn’t have the right trees for colorful leaves and the wind blew away the leaves we had anyway. In Virginia, the leaves have been beautiful this year and have blanketed our lawn with bright shades of red and yellow.

If leaves are to be raked into piles, then little boys will jump into them (or fall into them). Blue Suit Little Guy is no exception. Blue Suit Baby Girl, not to be outdone, sat in a pile of leaves.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Happy Veterans Day

For many people, Veterans Day can be one of those holidays that go by without much notice. I look back on my childhood and realize how little I thought about what the holiday meant. Now, it is different. Being a member of the Armed Forces during wartime, the holiday has a greater significance. Each member of the armed forces has their own tale to tell. As an example this week, one of my fellow interns received the Distinguished Flying Cross with Valor for his exploits during the Fallujah campaign last year. I’m not in a combat specialty, but my job is to help those who fight be more effective and stay safe.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Trick or Treat!

We dressed up the family for Dress Up Day (a.k.a. Halloween). We don’t really love what the holiday has become – morbid. But, the thing about getting free candy and getting to dress up reminds us of the best moments of college. I’ll just leave it at that.

Daddy dressed up as “Casual Day has Gone Too Far

Blue Suit Little Guy dressed up as a fighter pilot. Not just any pilot, mind you, but an F/A-22 Raptor pilot. God bless him. Chip off the old block.

Blue Suit Baby Girl dressed up as a Mizzou cheerleader. She definitely cheers our hearts.

Little Guy looked at Mommy and said, “You need to dress up like a refrigerator.” So, Mommy went as a Frigidaire. Just goes to show that Rachel can do a full spectrum appliance impersonation.